Monday, October 10, 2011

Hunting is the WORST!

The first time brandon went hunting while we were together was last October when I was still figuring him out. It was cute then and I was ok with him being gone. He left me a flower and a king sized kit kat with a cute card, that helped his case a lot
This year he decided to go hunting and I was ok with it I thought.... He didn't even leave me a present this year he went up to Island park about 2 week ago, he was planning to be gone for about 4 days, but one he got up there he got his elk within half an hour of being there and he was home by sunday.
I was so glad that he got his hunting urge out of his system and that it was a very short trip. Bad news! He decided to go hunting AGAIN!! BOO. He left me last night and I was crying so hard he almost stayed, but then he didn't. I was fine until I had to go to bed all alone in my creepy apartment. As I was getting ready for bed I was crying and missing him. I turned on the bathroom light so I had a night light and I woke up about 50 times.
I think the problem is, that I just miss his a lot when he is gone. I am glad that he gets to go out and do something that he enjoys so much, but it is hard to be left behind when I have nothing to keep me occupied and the only thing I have to do is to think about him.