Thursday, November 4, 2010

Alvin and Brittney!

For Halloween Brandon and I dressed up as Alvin and Brittney from the chipmunks and we were pretty darn cute! We made his costume from a red sweater and some yellow duct tape :) Awesome! We had little get together with my only other friends Alayna and Elayna from my classes. We played games and watched What lies Beneath and it is still scary even though I have seen it like 3 times.

My other Halloween activity was meeting Becky in Gardener Villeage and walking around. I had a series of unfortunate events: I scraped my heel on the edge of a square log, which made me loose my balance and step into the only mud in the entire area, which made me get my favorite green shoes all muddy. We then decided to go to the bathroom to wash off my shoes and go to the bathroom and I didn't lift the strings of my dress up so they ended up in the toilet.... It was not one of my shining moments.

Brandon ALWAYS talks about soccer and how much he loves it. I am not really into soccer at all and I am pretty terrible at it. But, since he is my best friend I decided that I would let him show off for me a little bit. On Monday we went to the park and he tried to teach me how to play soccer. He was so excited! He was bouncing off the walls while we were getting things together. He is actually really good at soccer. I was surprised/ really impressed. He is so great :) We are going to play again tonight after I get off work. I love it that we do so many fun things. Tuesday night he made me go running, and it was not too bad. I like running with someone else because then I don't get bored.